Doing Good Index 2024: Challenges and Opportunities for Pakistan
How does Pakistan’s philanthropic sector perform? The MHRC hosted a conference in collaboration with the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) to unveil the findings of the Doing Good Index Report 2024. The index studies the regulatory and societal environment in which private capital is directed toward doing good in Asia. The conference brought together key stakeholders from the not-for-profit sector in Pakistan for an enriching dialogue with panellists: Dr. Abid Burki (LUMS), Dr. Attiya Inayatullah (PCP), Dr. Naushin Mahmood (PCP), Kithmina Hewage (CAPS), Shazia Maqsood Amjad (PCP). Mr. Kitmina Hewage, Senior Adviser for the Centre of Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS), gave an overview of how the report was structured for each of the eighteen Asian economies, including Pakistan.
Mr. Hewage highlighted how the use of digital technologies had increased in Pakistan, following the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Pakistan ranks lower than average when evaluated on its use of basic software. 72% of NGOs also reported not having or being aware of any cybersecurity plans, making them vulnerable to cyber threats. 81% of NGOs also reported that the biggest barrier that caused this problem was a lack of funding. In Pakistan, the registration process for an NGO is arduous; the national average is significantly higher than the Asian average. The need for greater government engagement in policies related to the social sector was highlighted. Dr. Abid Burki (LUMS) provided a critical intervention to the report by highlighting how the index’s use of binary and continuous variables influences the results. In future iterations of the report, he suggested ensuring the choice of the indicator remains constant.
There was a rich discussion following the talk that stressed the urgent need for forming an organizing body for NGOs. Participants expressed significant mistrust toward the Charity Commission, emphasizing the need for the Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP) to advocate more effectively for its certification processes. There was a strong call for collaboration among NGOs to create a unified platform to address regulatory challenges. The discussion concluded by underscoring the importance of collaboration, trust-building, and youth engagement in strengthening the non-profit landscape in Pakistan.

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