Ali Nosherwan Hamed is serving as Adjunct Faculty at both the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) and the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences (MGHSS). He teaches logic courses at both schools.

He holds a Master’s degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. Prior to that, Ali attained a Bachelor of Science degree from New York University Abu Dhabi, with double majors in Mathematics and Philosophy, and a minor in Economics.

Ali has taught or assisted in teaching undergraduate philosophy courses at LUMS for over six years. During his time in Lahore, he has also worked with a variety of researchers and explored a diverse range of topics including Rumi and mysticism; Nietzsche’s concept of time and Eternal Return; Locke on Property Rights; sexual violence and consent; commonalities between Leibniz and Iqbal on matter, self and God; measuring demand for democracy in Pakistan; analysis of public sector education in Pakistan; and surveying local governments across Punjab to study their capacity.

Research Interests:

Ali Nosherwan’s area of research is mathematical logic. His master’s thesis dealt with inquisitive logic, which uniformly extends classical logic so that it covers not just statements but also questions. Ali’s other research interests include foundations of mathematics, set theory, philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of logic. He is now working on applications of logic in theoretical computer science, in particular for verifying concurrent systems.

Personal website:


On the maximal numerical range of some matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 34, pp. 288-303 (2018). Co-authored with Ilya Spitkovsky.

Mahbub ul Haq Research Centre at LUMS

Postal Address


Sector U, DHA

Lahore Cantt, 54792, Pakistan

Office Hours

Mon. to Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact Information

T: +92-42-3560-8000

X: 8182, 4452

